Picture this. The volume of legal work is gradually increasing, as indicated by the Legal Department Operations Index 2022. Over half (52%) of respondents reported an increase in legal matters…

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The business case for document automation has never been stronger. With the ongoing shortfall in the talent market and the increasing pressure to reduce costs, the use of technology solutions to improve business efficiencies is essential to successfully deliver more with less. 

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Legal document automation for law firms provides the solution to improve business efficiencies, reduce costs and enable lawyers to deliver more with less.

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Boosting the legal expertise of lawyers is one way to optimise client service delivery for law firms looking to expand their share of their clients’ spend.

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Brought to you by Thomson Reuters HighQ, this special whitepaper gives you valuable insights into how innovative legal leaders are taking on global challenges to shape the future of their firms. Fill out the form to download our special whitepaper today.

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